One week down; 40 something more to go.
Not that it's been a bad week, mind you. A bit tiring perhaps, but my kids seem to be a significant improvement over last year's bunch. (Or, at least I'm not saving up for a bullet proof vest and contemplating the necessity of regular tetanus shots. Yet.) But who can really tell this early in the game, you know? And when it comes down to it, we're still trying to figure each other out. Realizing this, I've been intentionally fluctuating between humorless, abrasive, motherly, and *ahem* comical, because this early in the game I find it important (and not to mention fun) to keep them guessing.
What I'm pretty sure they've figured out by now, however, is that although I might be other things too, one thing that I most definitely am is a great big nerd. Case in point, over the course of the past four days I've referenced The Transformers, organic chemistry, Stephen Hawking's theory of time travel via wormholes, Severus Snape (multiple times, that one) and actually told a 'joke' ending with "and that's why a solid grasp of correct semicolon usage will help improve your love life." So see, it's hopeless. I'm a nerd.
And in keeping with that theme, here's some other nerdy things I've been enjoying these past few days:
Nerdy Books: I Love You, Beth Cooper (by Larry Doyle of The Simpson's fame) is one of the funniest books I've read in some time. The protagonist, Denis Cooverman, is a newly graduated high school valedictorian whose obsessively pathetic admiration of the beautiful head cheerleader leads to all sorts of humiliations, shenanigans and a myriad of both physical and emotional injuries. It's sweet, goofy, often sarcastic, awesomely references numerous nerds to have graced the silver screen, made me chuckle several times, laugh out loud at least three, and can easily be managed in a few hours. Consider it, yes?
Nerdy Fashion: Threadless had a sale last weekend so I stocked up, and one of my purchases has easily become the nerdiest thing I own, fashionistically speaking. See:

(And if you get the joke without having to consult either the Internet or your closest expert on Belgian surrealism, then guess're a nerd too! But a cool nerd. One who I'd expedite to a space in my MyFace top eight, even.)
History-Rich Websites about the connections between religion and war and leadership and war (I expected Republicans to be the war mongers. Turns out, not so much. Huh.)
and Documentary Film: God Grew Tired of Us shows the stories of four of Sudan's "lost boys" - refugees from the 1992 genocide who all fled their homeland on foot as small children, raised themselves and one another in squalor, and were then brought to America as young adults. Their stories are terribly sad yet triumphant, and watching them try to maneuver modern conveniences like toilets, pre-packaged butter, grocery stores and shaving cream is both funny, sweet and humbling.
And to bring this all full-circle, the genocide in Sudan reminds me of last year's 9th graders (and not in the hyperbolic sense you may think). One kid, after studying the genocide, actually raised her hand during a class discussion and said, "People think Detroit is a bad place to be. However, when you really think about it, Sudan is much, much worse than Detroit." (I can remember this four months later because it so struck me that I jotted it down on a post-it note, which I discovered in my desk yesterday.) Yes, so have I mentioned recently that I'm glad last year is over? Because I am.
And with that, let's toast. To nerds!
Not that it's been a bad week, mind you. A bit tiring perhaps, but my kids seem to be a significant improvement over last year's bunch. (Or, at least I'm not saving up for a bullet proof vest and contemplating the necessity of regular tetanus shots. Yet.) But who can really tell this early in the game, you know? And when it comes down to it, we're still trying to figure each other out. Realizing this, I've been intentionally fluctuating between humorless, abrasive, motherly, and *ahem* comical, because this early in the game I find it important (and not to mention fun) to keep them guessing.
What I'm pretty sure they've figured out by now, however, is that although I might be other things too, one thing that I most definitely am is a great big nerd. Case in point, over the course of the past four days I've referenced The Transformers, organic chemistry, Stephen Hawking's theory of time travel via wormholes, Severus Snape (multiple times, that one) and actually told a 'joke' ending with "and that's why a solid grasp of correct semicolon usage will help improve your love life." So see, it's hopeless. I'm a nerd.
And in keeping with that theme, here's some other nerdy things I've been enjoying these past few days:
Nerdy Books: I Love You, Beth Cooper (by Larry Doyle of The Simpson's fame) is one of the funniest books I've read in some time. The protagonist, Denis Cooverman, is a newly graduated high school valedictorian whose obsessively pathetic admiration of the beautiful head cheerleader leads to all sorts of humiliations, shenanigans and a myriad of both physical and emotional injuries. It's sweet, goofy, often sarcastic, awesomely references numerous nerds to have graced the silver screen, made me chuckle several times, laugh out loud at least three, and can easily be managed in a few hours. Consider it, yes?
Nerdy Fashion: Threadless had a sale last weekend so I stocked up, and one of my purchases has easily become the nerdiest thing I own, fashionistically speaking. See:

(And if you get the joke without having to consult either the Internet or your closest expert on Belgian surrealism, then guess're a nerd too! But a cool nerd. One who I'd expedite to a space in my MyFace top eight, even.)
History-Rich Websites about the connections between religion and war and leadership and war (I expected Republicans to be the war mongers. Turns out, not so much. Huh.)
and Documentary Film: God Grew Tired of Us shows the stories of four of Sudan's "lost boys" - refugees from the 1992 genocide who all fled their homeland on foot as small children, raised themselves and one another in squalor, and were then brought to America as young adults. Their stories are terribly sad yet triumphant, and watching them try to maneuver modern conveniences like toilets, pre-packaged butter, grocery stores and shaving cream is both funny, sweet and humbling.
And to bring this all full-circle, the genocide in Sudan reminds me of last year's 9th graders (and not in the hyperbolic sense you may think). One kid, after studying the genocide, actually raised her hand during a class discussion and said, "People think Detroit is a bad place to be. However, when you really think about it, Sudan is much, much worse than Detroit." (I can remember this four months later because it so struck me that I jotted it down on a post-it note, which I discovered in my desk yesterday.) Yes, so have I mentioned recently that I'm glad last year is over? Because I am.
And with that, let's toast. To nerds!
I'll admit to the world - you already knew - that I had no idea what your T-shirt meant or referenced. I am a nerd. Actually I'm a NERD in capital letters. But that shirt escaped me. Now that you have explained it to me I'm starting to wonder if you are a bigger nerd than me.
I still win.
I'll need more proof from you.
And about God Grew Tired of Us (Rent it or Netflix it people!) I'm not sure I would say their story was "triumphant" but perhaps just hopeful.
God. I can't imagine living the life that they have had.
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