The good news is that golfing went as well as I had expected it to, I didn't hurt myself, and I even came away with a trophy. See:

The bad news is I had very low expectations and my trophy for last place. You can't see it from under Lily's grasp, but there's a horse's ass on top. The trophy itself was donated by my uncle Tim, who was awarded it at work. One may wonder why a professional would receive a trophy of a horse's ass via one's colleagues, probably haven't met my uncle. He marches to his own drummer.
Other highlights include the third hole when I hit my ball safely over the water hazard, placing it beautifully on the green in one swing; and the ninth hole when I somehow managed to hit my cousin Amanda in the leg with my ball, thus bouncing if off her body to ensure a quite favorable on-the-green lie. And funny enough, my nine-year-old cousin was the one to win the whole thing, and I shot a 45. (A prize if you can guess which one of those statements is a lie.)
In other good news, I got to help a lovely friend celebrate her29th 9th birthday on Sunday, and Nathan's car is now fixed.
The bad news, of course, is that his car was broken, our cable/Internet connection is still down, and I have to go back to work tomorrow. No students until after Labor Day, but lots and lots of long-winded meetings. Hopefully it will be more up-beat than last year's opening "celebration," which was more like an opening funeral. Hopefully...
Also, I'm exhausted. I can't remember the last weekend I didn't spend on the road, and I'm really looking forward to staying in town this weekend before the traveling starts up again in September. I do so love seeing my peeps, but I truly must start hosting more events, methinks.
Finally, I'm sure that none of you cared about any of this.
Finally, finally, I'm also sure that's just going to have to be okay with me.

The bad news is I had very low expectations and my trophy for last place. You can't see it from under Lily's grasp, but there's a horse's ass on top. The trophy itself was donated by my uncle Tim, who was awarded it at work. One may wonder why a professional would receive a trophy of a horse's ass via one's colleagues, probably haven't met my uncle. He marches to his own drummer.
Other highlights include the third hole when I hit my ball safely over the water hazard, placing it beautifully on the green in one swing; and the ninth hole when I somehow managed to hit my cousin Amanda in the leg with my ball, thus bouncing if off her body to ensure a quite favorable on-the-green lie. And funny enough, my nine-year-old cousin was the one to win the whole thing, and I shot a 45. (A prize if you can guess which one of those statements is a lie.)
In other good news, I got to help a lovely friend celebrate her
The bad news, of course, is that his car was broken, our cable/Internet connection is still down, and I have to go back to work tomorrow. No students until after Labor Day, but lots and lots of long-winded meetings. Hopefully it will be more up-beat than last year's opening "celebration," which was more like an opening funeral. Hopefully...
Also, I'm exhausted. I can't remember the last weekend I didn't spend on the road, and I'm really looking forward to staying in town this weekend before the traveling starts up again in September. I do so love seeing my peeps, but I truly must start hosting more events, methinks.
Finally, I'm sure that none of you cared about any of this.
Finally, finally, I'm also sure that's just going to have to be okay with me.
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