Why didn't someone tell me this was hot before I signed up for advanced step class?
(Which, by the way, when they say "advanced" they mean it. We went from fine to ridiculous in warp-speed time and I was left standing agape in the middle of the room with a look of confusion on my beet-red, sweaty face.)
I have this. I thought I had to get rid of this. This chick apparently hired a personally trainer to get a behind that looks like she eats a dozen krispy kreme doughnuts a day. Detroit News, you suck for not publishing this article yesterday.
Well, I'm off to buy a pair of Invisible Fanny Panties. Apparently onion bottoms are all the rage, and considering I only have an apple bottom, I am in need of some padding.
So you mean I can stop doing all those squats and lunges at the gym? Somehow, I'm not convinced yet (and I have never been introduced to the "onion booty" before. Clearly I"m missing out).
Sorry your step class was so nuts- I'm sure you'll get the hang of it! Anyway, here's to our ample backsides. Happy Friday!
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