Happy New Year's, everyone!
Nathan and I spent our New Year's Eve in Bowling Green, Ohio with our friends Paul and Carrie at a lovely party hosted by our new friends, Steve and Melissa. We had a great time, and I hope I didn't make too much of an ass out of myself, although knowing me, that's usually unavoidable.

While we were reveling, our dog was spending the weekend with my parents and their dog, Bruno. This happens relatively frequently, and although Bruno is in love with Chloe, who's largely indifferent to his passion, they usually get along reasonably well together. Bruno, though not the smartest, is perhaps the sweetest dog you'll ever meet, which is a good thing considering he is over 3ft tall and weighs about 80 pounds. He does have an unfortunate drooling habit, but if you carry a towel around with you the damage is usually minimal. In comparison, Chloe is incredibly smart as far as dogs go, and, at 40 pounds, is literally half his size. To see the two together it is obvious that Bruno could kill Chloe with one swipe of his enormous paw if he wanted to, but he's in love so he'd rather chase her around the house, begging her to play with him and drooling all over her. It's pretty clear that Chloe doesn't share Bruno's feelings, and she often fends off his advanced by biting his head and legs, which doesn't seem to bother Bruno. Apparently, Bruno pushed things a bit too hard this time, and when we picked Chloe up last night I was witness to what happens if you piss my dog off, and it wasn't pretty.

Bruno - the lover
It's obvious that Chloe is meant to be an only child, because she gets extremely jealous whenever anyone, animal or human, attempts to get too close to either me or Nathan. Jealously reared its ugly head when Nathan and I entered my parents' house to pick her up. Bruno rounded the corner to greet me and Chloe - just - snapped. I don't know if she was cranky from fending off Bruno's advances all weekend, afraid I would show preference to Bruno over her, or just hung over from her New Year's party, but without warning she raged all over Bruno's 80 pound body. He quivered like a Chihuahua as she unleashed, going in for the jugular while we watched is disbelief. I truly believe she would have done some serious damage had someone not been there to break it up. The sight of a 40 pound chick reducing a 80 pound dude to a shivering puddle of terror would have been funny if it weren't so sad. And the saddest thing of all was after the whole experience was over, Bruno's first response was to run over to Chloe and cry, as if begging for her forgiveness. She refused to even look at him, making the moment all the more pathetically sad.

Chloe - the vicious attack dog
I spoke with my mom today, and apparently Bruno crossed paths with a Labrador on their walk this morning. Although the other dog made no attempt to attack, Bruno cowered in fear and fled to the other side of the street. She fears last night's experience may have scarred him for life.
Chloe, on the other hand, spent most of today attacking pillows and barking at small children who dare to play in front of our house. She appears to be doing just fine.
Nathan and I spent our New Year's Eve in Bowling Green, Ohio with our friends Paul and Carrie at a lovely party hosted by our new friends, Steve and Melissa. We had a great time, and I hope I didn't make too much of an ass out of myself, although knowing me, that's usually unavoidable.

While we were reveling, our dog was spending the weekend with my parents and their dog, Bruno. This happens relatively frequently, and although Bruno is in love with Chloe, who's largely indifferent to his passion, they usually get along reasonably well together. Bruno, though not the smartest, is perhaps the sweetest dog you'll ever meet, which is a good thing considering he is over 3ft tall and weighs about 80 pounds. He does have an unfortunate drooling habit, but if you carry a towel around with you the damage is usually minimal. In comparison, Chloe is incredibly smart as far as dogs go, and, at 40 pounds, is literally half his size. To see the two together it is obvious that Bruno could kill Chloe with one swipe of his enormous paw if he wanted to, but he's in love so he'd rather chase her around the house, begging her to play with him and drooling all over her. It's pretty clear that Chloe doesn't share Bruno's feelings, and she often fends off his advanced by biting his head and legs, which doesn't seem to bother Bruno. Apparently, Bruno pushed things a bit too hard this time, and when we picked Chloe up last night I was witness to what happens if you piss my dog off, and it wasn't pretty.

Bruno - the lover
It's obvious that Chloe is meant to be an only child, because she gets extremely jealous whenever anyone, animal or human, attempts to get too close to either me or Nathan. Jealously reared its ugly head when Nathan and I entered my parents' house to pick her up. Bruno rounded the corner to greet me and Chloe - just - snapped. I don't know if she was cranky from fending off Bruno's advances all weekend, afraid I would show preference to Bruno over her, or just hung over from her New Year's party, but without warning she raged all over Bruno's 80 pound body. He quivered like a Chihuahua as she unleashed, going in for the jugular while we watched is disbelief. I truly believe she would have done some serious damage had someone not been there to break it up. The sight of a 40 pound chick reducing a 80 pound dude to a shivering puddle of terror would have been funny if it weren't so sad. And the saddest thing of all was after the whole experience was over, Bruno's first response was to run over to Chloe and cry, as if begging for her forgiveness. She refused to even look at him, making the moment all the more pathetically sad.

Chloe - the vicious attack dog
I spoke with my mom today, and apparently Bruno crossed paths with a Labrador on their walk this morning. Although the other dog made no attempt to attack, Bruno cowered in fear and fled to the other side of the street. She fears last night's experience may have scarred him for life.
Chloe, on the other hand, spent most of today attacking pillows and barking at small children who dare to play in front of our house. She appears to be doing just fine.
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