Despite an absence of tickets, Nathan and I still made our way downtown yesterday to be a part of the World Series excitement. Sure, we waited in line for two hours to sit in a bar and watch the game on television, but at least we were there. Speaking of waiting in line, it's funny how much sports can unite people. Amidst the crowd, Nate and I managed to spark up an hour long friendship with Stacey and Rich, a lovely red-neck couple with whom we shared little in common other than a love for the Tigers and a firm belief that Tom Brady is a candy-ass cry baby. Fortunately, beer and appetizers could be purchased while we waited outside. Unfortunately, despite having the lamest mascot ever (Two wittle birdies on a bat! How cute!), the Cardinals won the game, but I predict that they have not won the war. Bring it Cards! Last time I checked, tigers like to play with their prey a bit before devouring it.

You know, the mascot thing should be more of an indicator of team strength. I mean (and I know this might anger some of your Ohioan readers) what kind of mascot is a buckeye? It's a nut! How is that meant to strike fear into the hearts of your opponents? At least a wolverine is a ferocious carnivore, albeit a smallish one. (Go Blue!)
Anyhow, that's awesome you guys got downtown for the game. Great pictures!
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