Tuesday, October 17, 2006
events conspire against me. again.
Today was a black day,

a long, dark, evil, black day,

a stupid, hateful, ugly, punch you in the gut and spit in your face kinda day.

The carnage began at 1:30 in the morning with my dog's mournful cries. True, she's taken to waking up pretty early, around 4:30-ish, but 1:30 was pretty early, even for her. Turns out she didn't want food or to use the bathroom (and by "bathroom," I mean her muddy pit in the backyard). I could understand her desperate cries if she really, really had to pee, but it turns out she didn't have to pee. She wanted to eat grass. See, dogs do that when they want to throw up. Seeing as I didn't want her to throw up, I forced her back inside. That's when I discovered
why she didn't have to pee. See, she had already peed all over my dining room carpet. Awesome.

Tired, frustrated and annoyed I abandoned the mess for the morning and went back to bed. But my dog is a wiley one, and she tends to get what she wants. And she wanted grass. Having found the only living plant in my entire house, an aloe vera, she apparently had herself a little meal while I slept. Perhaps this wouldn't be such a big deal - it was a $3 plant, after all - but it turns out aloe vera is poisonous to dogs. I made this discovery at approximately 6:30 in the morning, right before I had to leave for work. Yes, I had concerns that she may not make it through the day, but what could I do? I had to go to work to be able to afford new aloe vera plants and carpet cleaner, so I rolled the dice on her immune system and left her alone for 8+ hours. You're in awe of my mothering skills, I know.

I really did worry about her for a large part of my day, and perhaps it was this very concern for her well being that distracted me from noticing when one of my little criminals, err, freshmen walked out of my classroom with a pirated school laptop. So now, I get to be the bad mommy who poisons her pet
and the irresponsible teacher who can't keep the school's property safe. Great.

Oh, and the icing on the cake? One of my students has contracted some very gross and extremely contagious bacterial skin infection, and I, the woman with the imfamously weak immune system is expecting to notice some symptons any day now. Fan-tast-ic.

The good news? Chloe's okay. She's hacking up aloe pieces, but seems to be in good spirits and I'm confident she'll make a full recovery. The bad news? She might contract a very gross and very contagious bacterial skin infection from yours truly.

Stupid, ugly day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your thoughts and prayers are with us, Chloe. We also like to get up way too early and eat shit we shouldn't.

Blogger Kathleen said...

God, what a day. I'm glad to hear the Chloe is ok, and oddly enough, that you've got one of the diseased students, too! Maybe we can wallow in our virus-infested bad luck together (of course, here's hoping neither of us catch it).

Blogger Carrie said...

Sorry you had a sucky day, babe! Chloe's a tough broad, and it'll take more than aloe vera to slow her down, I'd think. I'm glad she's ok!

Monty wants to tell Chloe that he also enjoys playing with his owner's underwear and he thanks her for the inspiration.

Hope your Wednesday is much much better and that you manage to fight off gross leperosy!

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