They say that you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. Well, I have to say that although I may not have chosen her, I'm very happy with the mother fate handed me, and here's eight reasons why:
1. When I was seventeen years old I borrowed my mom's brand-new car (the first new car she ever had) and promptly wrecked it. Thankfully no one was hurt and the car wasn't totaled, but I certainly did quite a number on it. Although the accident was totally my fault and she had every right to be furious with me, she only yelled a little bit which is a true testiment to her strength of character.
2. Standing at only 5 foot and 1 inch tall, you might assume that my mom is not a very intimidating woman, however you would be wrong. I once watched my mom hold her own very well when a very big and very scary looking woman picked a fight with her in Yankee's Stadium. (Whether or not my mom antagonized the woman is still a matter of debate in my family.) After witnessing that, I certainly hope that my mom is standing by my side should anyone ever try to start something with my cowardly self.
3. Although she's since overcome her gaming addiction, my mom used to be quite skilled at the video games. Used to be that little brother and I would have to whine and whine to get her to turn over the NES controller so we could play Super Mario Brothers already. Fortunately, she taught us all of the secret codes and stuff, so we never really held it against her.
4. Time and time again, my mom has proven herself to be a very tolearant woman. For instance, she tolerated the fact that my father treated her to a meal at White Castle after their senior prom and took her to Canton, Ohio to tour the Football Hall of Fame for their honeymoon. (And who said my dad wasn't a hopeless romantic?)
5. My mom is a very dependable woman. For instance, I can depend on her to call me at least two times every day, once to tell me that she can't remember why she called, and a second time to tell me what it was that she had originally forgotten.
6. My mom has put in countless hours either in church or praying the rosary in her car, which can only lead me to believe that she must be very good with God. Let's face it, when your time comes it's nice to have someone like that pulling for you. (Assuming, of course, that God is Catholic. If not, well then I guess I'm screwed.)
7. Although my mom has always valued keeping a clean house, she has never, ever, spanked me with a wire hanger or made me scrub the bathroom floor on my hands and knees until it sparkled, and for that I am eternally grateful.
and finally,
8. In all seriousness, despite her small stature my mom has the biggest heart of anyone I know. She is one of those rare people who really would rather give than recieve and always thinks of others before herself, which makes her a pretty awesome mom.
I love you mom and hope you have a great day!
1. When I was seventeen years old I borrowed my mom's brand-new car (the first new car she ever had) and promptly wrecked it. Thankfully no one was hurt and the car wasn't totaled, but I certainly did quite a number on it. Although the accident was totally my fault and she had every right to be furious with me, she only yelled a little bit which is a true testiment to her strength of character.
2. Standing at only 5 foot and 1 inch tall, you might assume that my mom is not a very intimidating woman, however you would be wrong. I once watched my mom hold her own very well when a very big and very scary looking woman picked a fight with her in Yankee's Stadium. (Whether or not my mom antagonized the woman is still a matter of debate in my family.) After witnessing that, I certainly hope that my mom is standing by my side should anyone ever try to start something with my cowardly self.
3. Although she's since overcome her gaming addiction, my mom used to be quite skilled at the video games. Used to be that little brother and I would have to whine and whine to get her to turn over the NES controller so we could play Super Mario Brothers already. Fortunately, she taught us all of the secret codes and stuff, so we never really held it against her.
4. Time and time again, my mom has proven herself to be a very tolearant woman. For instance, she tolerated the fact that my father treated her to a meal at White Castle after their senior prom and took her to Canton, Ohio to tour the Football Hall of Fame for their honeymoon. (And who said my dad wasn't a hopeless romantic?)
5. My mom is a very dependable woman. For instance, I can depend on her to call me at least two times every day, once to tell me that she can't remember why she called, and a second time to tell me what it was that she had originally forgotten.
6. My mom has put in countless hours either in church or praying the rosary in her car, which can only lead me to believe that she must be very good with God. Let's face it, when your time comes it's nice to have someone like that pulling for you. (Assuming, of course, that God is Catholic. If not, well then I guess I'm screwed.)
7. Although my mom has always valued keeping a clean house, she has never, ever, spanked me with a wire hanger or made me scrub the bathroom floor on my hands and knees until it sparkled, and for that I am eternally grateful.
and finally,
8. In all seriousness, despite her small stature my mom has the biggest heart of anyone I know. She is one of those rare people who really would rather give than recieve and always thinks of others before herself, which makes her a pretty awesome mom.
I love you mom and hope you have a great day!

I love you too Mags! And I promise never to beat you with a wire hanger or steal your video controller and for that matter I have given up confrontations with angry Yankee fans.
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