
Chloe was a bit embarrassed at first about walking around in her new, bright yellow life jacket, but she soon got over it when we were out on the boat and she could feel the wind rushing through her hair as we sped through Lake Michigan.

See that tiny ball of fur barrelling down the sand dune? That's Chloe who, only moments before, had just finished conquering the massive dune and is now racing back down. In a matter of seconds her triumphant moment will be felled as she is attacked by a roving pack of bully beach dogs who, after swarming her will leave a quaking puddle of red fur in their wake. So terrified did this encounter leave her of the other dogs on the beach that she cowered when a group of puppies walked past her, but - at least for this one, brief moment - she was reigned as queen of the dog beach.
Muskegon is fun! You wouldn't think so, but with the lake and can't go wrong with dunes. How long have your in-laws lived there? Half of my family grew up there; I bet they knew each other, because that's how it works in Muskegon.
Perhaps! My mother-in-law moved has lived over there practically her whole life and my father-in-law moved there after college, so Nathan was born and raised in Muskegon (well, Norton Shores if you're going to get picky).
Now that Nathan no longer has to work weekends and my in-laws are retired and Chloe has a life jacket we'll probably be heading up a lot more often, which I'm sure will make my in-laws very happy!
True! Your in-laws would be delighted to have you visit more often! We enjoyed visiting with all three of you this weekend.
I (your m-i-l) grew up in Manistee, but we've been in the Muskegon area for over 32 years. I may not know abs's family but I probably know someone who does.
We look forward to a return visit!
Chloe does look adorable in her life jacket. I had to wonder how she cooperated with putting it on.
Dad and I totally agree with you on the Sopranos final. I was bummed cause I thought it was supposed to be a two hour episode for one thing. Every time I thougt something big was going to happen nothing did. When AJ went out to confront the gang bangers I thought that he was going to get into it with them and then he went to his car and I thought oh no he's going to get a gun and what does he do..... he gives them his expensive bike.....gee that was scary!!!! I'm wondering if the writers quit the series before the actors did!!!!!
Abby, who is your family in Muskegon? Let's connect the dots!
My family is the grandmother was Ruthelle Fee and my granddad Harry D. Fee. My mom and her brothers are Elizabeth, Bill, and John. Mom is a Cloud now, and actually, some of the Clouds, including my Dad Gary, lived in Muskegon for a time.
My Mom's parents were teachers in Muskegon...I ran into a lady at an antique store here in Ohio who knows a teacher who had my mom and her siblings in class and knew my granddad. Crazy!
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