Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday
- dear god i can't believe i'm already 28-years-old which means my life is at least one third of the way over and I have no discernable savings of any kind and the closest thing i have to a child is a dog and i have a hard enough time meeting its basic needs and keeping it out of prison -
Happy Birthday darling!!!!
And hey, no birthday moping, got that? Do I need to start listing all your wonderful traits and attributes and accomplishments?
I hope your day is great!!!! I love you boatloads.
And it's on this weekend. We'll do plenty of celebrating!
Happy Birthday MAW! Have anything fun planned?
Happy birthday! As last weekend was ripe with male debauchery, we'll have to spend next weekend birthday celebrating.
And, umm, remembering dead soldiers...
Thanks everyone!
Big plans today included getting a very sweet hand-written card and a serenade by a class of 16-year-olds, working out with my brand new, 7,500 song holdin' i-pod and sipping a extraodinarily yummy pear mojito at P.F. Chang's.
A good day all around, I would say. Got to take it slow though, shenanigans are bound to ensue next weekend and I have to maintain the proper pace. After all, I am getting pretty on in years and my feeble heart can only take so much excitement in one week.
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