Not that there was anything that could have been done about it, but awful bad luck that our first trip to Beantown happened to coincide with record-setting rainfall and major flooding. Unfortunately, Boston is a walking town so the rain put a bit of a damper on our plans but we made due and the kids, amazingly enough, hardly complained at all about the rain, even while it poured buckets on us at Fenway Park. Fortunately, the only major adjustment we had to make to our plans was substituting a whale watching excursion for a trip to an aquarium (not exactly an even trade, but what can you do).

Thanks to trips to Salem and loads of Colonial period burial grounds this trip certainly met its spooky quota. The thin thin veil of fog that hovered over the city thanks to the weather certainly contributed to the ambiance - almost making me wistful for October. Almost.
Obviously, Boston is full of historically significant buildings and artifacts, but as always, my travels have brought me more than just historical knowledge. Namely, tour guides always know where you can buy the most unnecessary kitsch, my post-trip level of exhaustion is a clear indication that I am getting old, and chaperones are nearly always much more annoying than the kids.
Despite the layer of fog hovering over the city the entire time, Boston is quite a pretty city - definitely one of the prettiest American cities I've had the good fortune to visit. As I tend to do whenever I travel to a big city I began to bemoan the fact that I don't live in a big city and started creating plans in my mind for how I could relocate. I later spotted a newspaper article about the recent lost of Massachusetts residents due to unemployment and the high cost of living which brought me back to reality. My but the grass is always greener, isn't it?
And that's about it. I hope this post made sense. I'm still recouping from a 13 hour overnight bus trip; my brain is still feeling a bit fuzzy and I've had a difficult time forming comprehensible sentences all day long. (Feel free to insert sarcastic comments about my typical fuzzy logic and lack of verbal skills below - I'm too tired to end with something witty myself.)
Not that there was anything that could have been done about it, but awful bad luck that our first trip to Beantown happened to coincide with record-setting rainfall and major flooding. Unfortunately, Boston is a walking town so the rain put a bit of a damper on our plans but we made due and the kids, amazingly enough, hardly complained at all about the rain, even while it poured buckets on us at Fenway Park. Fortunately, the only major adjustment we had to make to our plans was substituting a whale watching excursion for a trip to an aquarium (not exactly an even trade, but what can you do).

Thanks to trips to Salem and loads of Colonial period burial grounds this trip certainly met its spooky quota. The thin thin veil of fog that hovered over the city thanks to the weather certainly contributed to the ambiance - almost making me wistful for October. Almost.

Obviously, Boston is full of historically significant buildings and artifacts, but as always, my travels have brought me more than just historical knowledge. Namely, tour guides always know where you can buy the most unnecessary kitsch, my post-trip level of exhaustion is a clear indication that I am getting old, and chaperones are nearly always much more annoying than the kids.

Despite the layer of fog hovering over the city the entire time, Boston is quite a pretty city - definitely one of the prettiest American cities I've had the good fortune to visit. As I tend to do whenever I travel to a big city I began to bemoan the fact that I don't live in a big city and started creating plans in my mind for how I could relocate. I later spotted a newspaper article about the recent lost of Massachusetts residents due to unemployment and the high cost of living which brought me back to reality. My but the grass is always greener, isn't it?

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