(deep breath)
(deep breath)
So, I went to the mall after work today to, among other things, look for a practical pair of comfortable black shoes to wear on my rapidly up-coming trip to Philadelphia. Practical shoes I found in spades, however I bypassed all of those and instead drove home with these:
because I honestly see nothing wrong with traversing Amish country and Civil War battlefields, blisters forming on my heels as my shoes slowly fill with blood, just so long as those shoes are as absolutely adorable as these.
(And if the first step is admitting you have a problem, then clearly I'm not quite ready for help.)

because I honestly see nothing wrong with traversing Amish country and Civil War battlefields, blisters forming on my heels as my shoes slowly fill with blood, just so long as those shoes are as absolutely adorable as these.
(And if the first step is admitting you have a problem, then clearly I'm not quite ready for help.)
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