Wednesday, August 09, 2006
  • As embarrassed as it makes me to admit it, I went through a brief period of time in college when I was obsessed with Days of Our Lives. I even scheduled my classes around it one semester. (eyes lowered in shame) Thankfully, I kicked my soap habit, but after going nearly ten years without watching the show I've been catching a few episodes here and there at the gym. Amazingly, very little has changed - Sami and Lucas are still plotting against Austin and Carrie, Hope and Beau just can't seem to get it together and John and Marlena haven't appeared to have aged a day, despite the fact that they must be at least in their 60s by now - and I find all of this strangely comforting.
  • Modest Mouse, one of my favorite bands, has just announced that Johnny Marr, one of my favorite guitarists, has become an official member of the band and will be touring with their new album. I'm still secretly hoping that The Smiths will reunite, but this will do while I wait for hell to freeze over.
  • My project for the week has been to tear down and rebuild the railing around our deck. While tackling this feat I've learned two very important lessons: 1. despite the nasty things I said about it as a high school freshman, geometry actually has a practical purpose in my life, and 2. only stupid cows do demolishion work in flip flops.
  • I don't do it often, but if you want to see me cry a sure-fire way to accomplish it would be to do one of these three things: 1. make me re-read Where the Red Fern Grows, 2. force me to watch The Elephant Man or, 3. drop a hammer on my toe.
  • Although I don't really agree, turns out I'm kinda evil.


Blogger Nathan said...

I love Maggie, even though she's evil. And yes, she's evil.

I took the 'Are You Evil' test and it gives you some detailed results in various categories. But let's just sample the first few sentences of each of our summaries.

Maggie: "Well, you're kinda evil. They haven't reserved a place for you in Hell yet, but the leasing agents are starting their calls. (Sorry, no air conditioning.)"

Me: "Good for you, you're human."

So apparently Maggie is not only evil but perhaps not even human.

Apparently my soul mate is a vengeful alien, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Blogger Kathleen said...

Oh no! Although it would seem logical that demolition in flip flops is a bad idea, I've been there-done that too. I feel your pain, MAW! (And I'm guessing that pain is a hammer to the toe.)

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