As can be easily inferred from the title, Oscar's life is brief; yet, Junior must span two countries and three generations in order to tell the story of it. He begins by explaining that the LaInca family is said to have suffered from a powerful fuku (curse) earned when Oscar's grandfather angered Trujillo. Anticipating that most readers may have "missed your mandatory two seconds of Dominican history," Junior explains:
Trujillo, one of the twentieth century's most infamous dictators, ruled the Dominican Republic between 1930 and 1961 with an implacable ruthless brutality. A portly, sadistic, pig-eyed mulato who bleached his skin, wore platform shoes, and had a fondness for Napoleon-ear haberdashery, Trujillo (known as El Jefe, the Failed Cattle Thief, and Fuckface) came to control nearly every aspect of the DR's political, cultural, social, and economic life through a potent (and familiar) mixture of violence, intimidation, massacre, rape, co-optation, and terror...He was our Sauron, our Arawn, our Darkseid, our One and Future Dictator, a personaje so outlandish, so perverse, so dreadful that not even a sci-fi writer could have made his ass up.
The story of the Trujillo-era Dominican Republic becomes the backdrop for Díaz’s tale, which is equal parts coming-of-age novel, historical fiction, and epic family saga that seamlessly weaves hip-hop, feminism, mythology, science fiction and magical realism throughout.
And if I haven't made it clear enough by my rambling and overly long overview, I loved it. Admittedly, it took a little while for me to fully get into it, but was hooked come fifty pages in. I felt two sorts of sadness at the novel's conclusion: one for the sweet, brave, pathetic Oscar, and the other because I simply didn't want it to be over.
Labels: authors A-E, books, coming-of-age, fiction
Oh THANK YOU for reviewing this book! I keep hearing about how good it's supposed to be, but I hadn't managed to get past the sci-fi, dungeons and dragons bit and assumed it was of that sort of book. (I'm not a sci-fi fan.) Now I know to add it to my ever-growing book list!
I'm glad you liked it and It's definitely on my to-read list. A slight correction though. Though it's certainly Diaz's debut novel, it's not really his "debut." He has a collection of short fiction called Drown that came out like ten years ago. It was quite the talk of the literary world when I was in grad school and it's pretty phenomenal. If you liked the novel, you should check it out.
yes i love Drown. I think D and i both teach at least parts of it in our classes. and this book is on my list--right after Paul's copy of WHAT IS THE WHAT (thx, Paul!)
Mary, I'm not a sci-fi fan AT ALL, but I still loved this book. Science fiction is really just used as a tool to make Oscar an outcast in his community.
And thanks for the correction, Paul. I meant to say that this was Diaz's debut "novel," not to imply it was his literary review. I've since made amends.
And cornshake, What is the What has a full dance card. I call it when you (and, of course Paul) are done!
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