Wednesday, May 30, 2007
overheard in the hallway
On any given day I'm likely to hear far more than the average person's share of swear words, general insults, homophobic comments, and female screeching. Most times the angry din in localized in the hallway and tends to dissipate as the wee little angels pass my threshold. Hence, I usually keep my door closed, but today - just for kicks - I didn't. Here's a gem I collected whilst on my planning hour. Let it lift your soul, clean your bowels and help you on your crazy trip through life.

Girl #1: Nice freaking shoes, ho!
Girl #2: You like? Wal-Mart was having a sale. They were only ten bucks! (screech!)
Girl #1: What are they, like ten inch heels? How the hell can you walk in those things?
Girl #2: Oh, I can walk honey. Don't you worry about that. (smirking, finger wagging)
Girl #1: (growing reflective) You know, here's my thing. I'm pretty open-minded. I don't care about your race. And although it's totally gross, I don't really care about your sexual preferences either. Whatever, you know? But if there's one thing I totally hate, it's a girl who can't walk in high heels.
Girl #2: Oh, totally. TOTALLY! (pauses to think) But you know, I really don't like Mexicans much either when I really think about it.

(And you want to know the best part? Later in the day I totally saw Girl #2 bite the dust in her ridiculous lime-green Wal-Mart heels. I know I shouldn't laugh at a kid's misfortune, but...come on. You can really blame me?)



Blogger Carrie said...

Yikes. Let's hope they never come across a Mexican woman who can't walk in heels.

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