Sunday, November 05, 2006
borat: right quick
I'm currently in the middle of two rather longish and rather serious posts about racism, censorship and social responsibility, but instead of finishing those two posts today I'm instead going to write a quick bit about Borat. Although certainly not for everyone, Borat is quite possibly the funniest movie I've ever seen. I'm not sure who came off looking worse, America or Kazakhstan, and I can't believe that Sasha Cohen didn't get arrested while making it, especially when he threw a bag over Pamela Anderson and attempted to kidnap her at a book signing. I don't want to give anything away for those of you who are planning on seeing the movie, but there's one scene in particular that, while utterly disgusting, made me laugh so hard for so long that my head was throbbing for the remainder of the movie. The bottom line, if you're on the fence about seeing this movie you shouldn't be. Go.

On a sort of unrelated yet equally absurd subject - I got carded when I was buying my ticket. Now, I know that for a 28-year-old I have a baby face, but how old do you have to be to see an R-rated movie? Sixteen?? Seriously, people, you're telling me that I can't even pass for sixteen?

Great success!


Blogger cornshake said...

hi maggie--that scene was *so* disturbing...i still need some sort of brain cleaner to get it out of my head...;)

and D and I have been debating whether or not that Pam A. scene was real or not...I'm thinking no way would her body guards not have pounded him to a pulp right there, but who knows...good to hear someone else who saw it. i just blogged a bit about Borat today actually!

Blogger Mrs. White said...

I also have a hard time believing that they didn't let Pam in on the joke and/or that they didn't immediately get arrested for stalking her. So the question is, if it was her and she wasn't let in on the joke, will she watch the movie and laugh or sue? I'll have to investigate the matter further.

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