This is my favorite day of the year - the first day when you walk out of work and are delighted to discover that you don't need your coat, it's warm enough to drive home with the window rolled down and you have to squint the whole drive home because you can't seem to find where you put your sunglasses which you haven't had to use since October, but you don't mind because you've just remembered how much you love spring. Chloe and I are ready to barbeque - who wants to join us?

Woohoo!!!! Spring! I also drove home from work w/ the window rolled down (and loud music blaring, of course. I have to keep up with the college kids.).
My favorite thing about spring? Saying the big FU to socks and dusting off all my flip-flops. My feet missed the fresh air. But I guess this doesn't really apply to you since you seemed to shun socks all winter.
My little Chloe looks so blissful!
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